3 tips to maximize your energy during the winter

It's cold, the temperature is gray, the days are getting shorter ... and your morale is flat! November is one of the most difficult months for energy, mood and motivation. Even if you do not have Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), you may not be as motivated as you are in summer! It is estimated that 18% of Canadians would have more depressive symptoms during the winter. Here are some tips to help you maximize your energy during this season:


1. Get your fill of vitamin sunshine

As a nutritionist, it is very rare that we immediately recommend taking supplements to our clients, apart from vitamin D. It helps to maintain optimal bone health, but it also helps to optimize mood by increasing the production of serotonin in the brain, the hormone of happiness! It is called the sun vitamin because it is produced by the skin from the UVB rays of the sun. Since we are in a Nordic country, its production is almost zero from October to April. It is available in certain foods, including milk, fortified soy beverage, salmon and trout. On the other hand, it is very difficult to reach the quantity recommended every day. That's why we recommend taking a daily vitamin D supplement of 600 to 1000 IU, depending on your age and your health condition (check with your doctor), to ensure that your needs are met and to avoid deficiencies. during the winter period.

2. Try light therapy

As far-fetched as it may seem, light therapy has proven itself, especially for seasonal depression and mood. If you want to try the experiment, you need a lamp with a light intensity of 10 000 lux and expose you to a minimum of 30 minutes a day, ideally in the morning. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice on which brand to buy.

3. Do not neglect physical activity

At this time of year, you may be less motivated to move, so it's important to focus on the activities you love that make you feel good! If you do not like going to the gym, you could simply train in your living room with a "Youtube" training video and good music, try group classes (pilates, zumba, yoga, kickboxing, etc.). , increase the number of steps at work (taking the stairs, parking further, etc.) and why not make it a challenge with your colleagues! All the reasons are good for moving, and it is often easier to add the minutes in the day (eg 10 minutes in the morning, afternoon and evening).

If you want to have the support of a nutritionist in the change of your lifestyle, you can contact me by email and I will put you in touch with the Provigo nutritionist closest to you.


1. https://www.soscuisine.com/blog/cest-le-temps-de-prendre-un-supplement-de-vitamine-d/?lang=fr

2. http://www.extenso.org/article/vitamine-d/

3. https://www.familiprix.com/fr/articles/depression-saisonniere-la-luminotherapie-a-la-rescousse

4. https://www.quebechebdo.com/dossiers/2016/10/21/la-luminotherapie-pour-contrer-la-depres-4669025.html


Valérie Goudreault



